Also, my ultrasound is totally next week! Everyone and their mother is excited to find out the gender of the thing growing inside of me. As a matter of fact, most of these people are more excited about this than I am. Why? I don't really know. I think it's a little weird.
Probably the weirdest thing is that people now feel the need to treat me differently than they did before. I don't get this either. If we acted like buddies before you knew I had a parasite in my uterus, why treat me like I'm an alien now?
The biggest person I have this problem with is a roommate. A new roommate, to be sure, but why should that matter? He knew me before he moved in, he even knew that I was pregnant before he moved in! But now that I'm showing a bit he doesn't talk to me and either stares at me wide-eyed or leaves the room when I enter.
Fucking. Annoying.
I want to say something to him, but I know that I'd either start yelling at him for making me so damn uncomfortable, or mocking him for being more frightened of me now that I'm in a state where I couldn't just beat him up whenever I wanted.
Luckily, I've only had two people do that thing where they come up and touch my belly, and they were people I'm friends with, so nobody's been thrown into traffic yet. When that does start happening, though, stand clear! That's probably one of the weirdest things you can do to a pregnant person, I think. At what point does my abdomen become public freaking property?
I worry for the people who do this without my consent.
On a side note: I accidentally ended a sentence with a preposition today! I was so ashamed T_T
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